One of my July goals was to blog at least 3 times. I have 3 days left of July, so we'll see what I can come up with ;)
So here is a recap of summer since Cooper's birthday, Instagram style!
Watching planes fly by out on the deck
Reliving his dada's Tough Mudder run
One of my absolute favorite shots from our family shoot in Destin in May. Shout out to Jubilee Photography!
Baseball birthday party selfies
Outlet malling- again ;)
"I put them backwards, I put them backwards" Gotta love this silly kid!
Soaking up the sun at Gigi and Papa's
We've had a nap refusing trend, so we've been crashing out on the family room floor most afternoons, watching Nemo, again. I think you would be concerned if you knew the number of times I've seen this movie so far this year.
"I mow da grass. I mow da grass. Coopa mow da grass"
Splash pad
Selfie out at Uncle Cory and Aunt Jenny's farm, hot tubbing :)
That's all for now!